Monday, August 13, 2012

Adventures in mommy-land

These last few weeks have presented new challenges that my mommy skills were not prepared for!! There are simple things that put it all into perspective and that remind me that it WILL all be okay, it is worth it, she's not dying and that despite her behavior, I am doing a good job! 
Finley discovered a love for bubbles in her bath this week, 
chasing them from one end of the tub to the other; 
she scooped, splashed and laughed at them..

She received a letter in the mail from her built in best friend, Collin...

She shares her cheese crackers..
and just about anything else she has with just about anyone that shows interest. 
That makes my heart happy.

Thank you Lord for rainy nights, cool days, good friends, 
early bedtimes, avocados, hot showers and young tender hearts. 
Thank you for allowing me to be a mommy and wife..
I am reminded to value it for many reasons. 

1 comment:

  1. After a bit of a challenging day here (not in a bad way...Anna's just a whirlwind!!) I love the sweet reminders of this post. :) :) Yummy looking blog header pic too.
